Vegan enchiladas

Tonight it was vegan enchiladas ❤💚❤ Vegan, are you sure it's vegan ? Isn't that cheese on top of it ? yeah well it's vegan homemade cheese, and you have to taste it before you say it can't be good, because it was. Should have been more pictures of it, from inside, on a plate, with the guacamole on the side etc... but there was no time for that because this was shared with many wonderful people and the food was just a part of a fantastic evening. Making food is the best way I know to share love with people, to connect people together and open amazing discussions... and when the magic happens, you have to enjoy it, not take pictures 😉 My motto "Love is my first ingredient" Making food with this idea in mind is the best way to do it. Share the love, be happy and... enjoy !